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Bases: FrozenBaseModel

Represents a single anime entry in SeaDex.

anilist_id instance-attribute

anilist_id: int

The AniList ID of the anime.

collection_id instance-attribute

collection_id: str

The ID of the collection the entry belongs to.

collection_name instance-attribute

collection_name: str

The name of the collection the entry belongs to.

comparisons instance-attribute

comparisons: tuple[str, ...]

A tuple of comparison urls.

created_at instance-attribute

created_at: UTCDateTime

The timestamp of when the entry was created.

id instance-attribute

id: str

The ID of the entry.

is_incomplete instance-attribute

is_incomplete: bool

Whether the entry is considered incomplete.

notes instance-attribute

notes: str

Additional notes about the entry.

theoretical_best instance-attribute

theoretical_best: str | None

The theoretical best release for the entry, if known.

torrents instance-attribute

torrents: tuple[TorrentRecord, ...]

A tuple of TorrentRecord objects associated with the entry.

updated_at instance-attribute

updated_at: UTCDateTime

The timestamp of when the entry was last updated.

url property

url: str

The URL of the entry.


Bases: FrozenBaseModel

Represents a single torrent record within a SeaDex entry.

collection_id instance-attribute

collection_id: str

The ID of the collection the torrent record belongs to.

collection_name instance-attribute

collection_name: str

The name of the collection the torrent record belongs to.

created_at instance-attribute

created_at: UTCDateTime

The timestamp of when the torrent record was created.

files instance-attribute

files: tuple[File, ...]

A tuple of File objects representing the files in the torrent.

id instance-attribute

id: str

The ID of the torrent record.

infohash instance-attribute

infohash: str | None

The infohash of the torrent if available, otherwise None (private torrents).

is_best instance-attribute

is_best: bool

Whether this torrent is marked as the "best".

is_dual_audio instance-attribute

is_dual_audio: bool

Whether the torrent contains both Japanese and English audio tracks.

release_group instance-attribute

release_group: str

The name of the group that released the torrent.

size cached property

size: ByteSize

The total size of the torrent, calculated by summing the sizes of all files.

tracker instance-attribute

tracker: Tracker

The tracker where the torrent is hosted.

updated_at instance-attribute

updated_at: UTCDateTime

The timestamp of when the torrent record was last updated.

url instance-attribute

url: str

The URL of the torrent.